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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Linaeus on May 06, 2009, 05:19:06 pm

Title: Ensuring the safety of Cove
Post by: Linaeus on May 06, 2009, 05:19:06 pm
With the growing number of Orc and Undead attacks, it is essential that patrols throughout Covianshire and the Glenmores are performed regularly, therefore;

Any Mercenary who leads a medium-sized (3+ people) patrol through either of these regions before Sunday will be awarded one Board Task, along with 1,000 gold from the total sum collected as pay. Important locations to check and clear are the Orc Fort and Graveyard. 

Lets stop these attacks at their source!

- Sergeant Keres

Title: Re: Ensuring the safety of Cove
Post by: Linaeus on May 07, 2009, 10:46:33 pm
Patrol to cemetery and orc fort

Leading: Tsukiyomi Mori, Mercenary Recruit
Attending: Kal ShadowHand, Officer Cadet
                Cedric McCorminck, Mercenary Recruit

I decided to lead patrol to secure the Covian territory as Sergeant Keres pointed out. I gathered all the people who was around and we went to the patrol. First we headed to cemetery but it’ was peaceful and calm so we headed towards Orc Fort. We found a shreaded paper on the way towards orc fort and it had some odd markings.

Some scetches from patrol

We didn’t have any issues slaying the orcs who came to see what lurked in to theirs fort. Main issue was with McCorminck who seemed to have problems following orders. Anyways patrol went well and Cove can sleep night in peace again.
Total Loot: 6694 gold from 1000 gold for each of us and rest to coffers ( Kals   share went to coffers)

 -Tsukiyomi Mori-

One Board Task awarded to Tsukiyomi Mori.

Title: Re: Ensuring the safety of Cove
Post by: Delfer on May 09, 2009, 02:51:24 am

Leading: Buttons, Mercenary
Guardsmen in Attendance:
Hoagie, Captain
Leith Keres, Pretend scout
Celuvian Haap, Arcanist
Cedric McCormick, Useless Pile of Rubbish

The four o' us 'eaded t' the orc fort t' save the world. Sadly, we were joined by the rubbish recruit, treeman McCormick. And accompanied by the horribleness of Leith, we were rubbish a' the start. Half the team was hiding somewhere or running ahead. At one point, Cedric was so rubbish, we made 'im fight the 'ole orc fort alone until we stepped in an' saved 'is skin.

We then took the fight all the way t' the docks. At tha' point we threatened Cedric with lashes if he nay followed orders. Seemed t' snap 'im into shape it did. Th' rest was easeh sailing. Weh cleared it out with ease!

Gold Collected ~ 6417 pieces
Celuvian donated his share of 650 piece to th' coffers

Buttons, Mercenary

Title: Re: Ensuring the safety of Cove
Post by: Linaeus on May 09, 2009, 03:02:45 am
One Board Task awared to Delferium.