Title: The May Festival Harbourside Feast Post by: Freckletip on May 06, 2009, 11:52:23 pm Persons in attendance:
Amon Jarl, Nobleman Penny Freckletip, Citizen Maibaum Holzfee, Commoner Manuel Calavera, Commoner Raiden Morana, Commander Elizabeth Martin, Officer Cadet Thomas Aylmer, Mercenary Recruit Abigail Keres, Mercenary Recruit Tsukiyomi Mori, Mercenary Recruit This Friday past we were joined by guests from Trinsic, Skara Brae, the Knights Templar of Yew, the Stirling & Kendal Trading Company, and Vesper, and a number of passers-by from lands further abroad, for a torch-lit evening dinner on the docks in Cove proper. (http://www.pixelmancy.com/uo/mayday/friday_3.png) From left to right: A Skara Braean clairvoyant reads the fortune of a merchant in his palm; a distinguished guest surveys the banquet with Mr Calavera; Covian Companymen and the Grandmaster of the Templars make small-talk; the Commander makes a last appearance before his wedding-day. (http://www.pixelmancy.com/uo/mayday/friday_2.png) Guests greet each other before the feast at the Cove town docks. 'Twas the cusp of the season; we are told that walls between this world and the next become thinner upon the approach of May, and that we are to be vigilant should wytches amongst us take advantage of it. Certainly the pets our guests brought were restless throughout the eve... We set torches alight along the length of the docks, and laid out two long rows of tables between them-- although most spent much of their evening milling about enjoying the evening air, or visiting the Skara Braen fortune teller who had taken up a stall nearby, and did not sit. There was food and drink and very good company in abundance. The show of magic we'd thought to end the evening with fell through, but, with great generosity (and no small measure of courage) a guest agreed to put the little stage we'd made up to use: (http://www.pixelmancy.com/uo/mayday/friday_1.png) Mr Stewan Seagull of Trinsic, formerly a showman for a seasonal carnival, kindly agreed to cover for the magic act with a thrilling display of his own. To the astonishment of the audience, he first swallowed a dagger, and then a kryss. An enjoyable evening; I thank all of those who attended. *signed neatly* P. Freckletip Title: Re: The May Festival Harbourside Feast Post by: Axiana on May 07, 2009, 11:38:37 am Penny Freckletip, Citizen Awarded 70 Shillings.
Maibaum Holzfee, Commoner Awarded 40 Shillings. Manuel Calavera, Commoner Awarded 30 Shillings. Amon Jarl, Nobleman Awarded 30 Shilling. Title: Re: The May Festival Harbourside Feast Post by: Raiden Morana on May 07, 2009, 04:12:27 pm And a fine feast it was too Miss Freckletip!
*signed* Raiden, Commander. |