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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Railen Morana on May 07, 2009, 06:53:39 am

Title: *Report to Raiden*
Post by: Railen Morana on May 07, 2009, 06:53:39 am
*sent on light paper in a small lightweight leather canister attached to the leg of a messenger pigeon*

My dearest Love,

I am sorry I was unable to return home to you this eve. I am safe, but trouble in Cove kept me from your side.

I was in the Goblin with Kiko, when a recruit kicked the door open with Thomas, badly injured in his arms and announced someone was hurt. He stood there in a stupor, perhaps it was the shock of seeing poor Thom's wounds, for he was truly beaten to a bruised, burnt and bloody pulp.

Kiko helped me carry him to the Hospital. I cleaned and stitched the wounds as Maddy has trained me to do in my ongoing studies with her. Kiko brought me many supplies and assisted in comforting Thomas with a cool cloth on his face, while I attended to his wounds.

There is moderate to severe bruising and minor cuts all over his body. He has two puncture wounds that go all the way through each hand. I have closed these and placed a drain in the wound and treated with herbs to draw out any infection from the wound, then bandaged them with swaddling cloth and bandages to keep them clean. This will need to be changed daily. There is also a severe cut to his Elbow. This is stitched, but it is too soon to tell if he will need further treatment to be sure nothing important inside was severed. The wound was cleaned and stitched to stop the bleeding.  All three wounds will bear close watching to be sure blood poisoning does not set in.

He also bears on his chest a large brand of a spider. I cooled the burn with clean water then applied Century plant...or aloe, to the burn and covered it with damp cloth to ease the pain and cool the cooked flesh. This indicates to me Drow involvement, or someone wishing it to look like drow. I administered five drops of Tincture of poppy, the maximum dose for a man his size to ease pain before I thought to get a report. I do not think he was able to accurately tell me how it happened, given the severe pain he was in.

All of this has made me quite queasy and unfit for travel. Because of this, and to watch over Thomas, I will stay the night at the hospital.

Affectionately yours,

Title: Re: *Report to Raiden*
Post by: Raiden Morana on May 07, 2009, 04:19:48 pm
Raiden read the report with a wry smile. While he missed her so, he was pleased to hear that Railen was doing her bit for her newly adopted town after her recent rcent ordeal.

Spider worshippin' Drow again eh?

S'about time we paid them that visit.

With  a grin he quickly penned a three word reply and loosed his carrier pigeon to the winds.