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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on May 10, 2009, 10:56:23 am

Title: The Treasure Fleet!!!
Post by: Raiden Morana on May 10, 2009, 10:56:23 am
Attended by:

Raiden, Commander. (leading)

Octiovus Von Richter, Baron & Liege.
Hoagie, Captain.
Torrak Keres, Mercenary Sergeant.
Kal ShadowHand, Officer Cadet.
Pickles, Officer Cadet.
Marcus Kobra, Company Medic.
Leander Le Blanc, Company Arcanist.
Raven, Company Skirmisher.
Delferium, Mercenary.
Tsukiyomi Mori, Mercenary Recruit.
Aslin, Mercenary Recruit.
Ulfir, Mercenary Recruit.

Our friends from Trinsic.
The Twilight Legion.

It was time to collect our paycheque from the Duchy. It was quite a substantial sum that we were owed for our contracts in Trinsic and so we would head to the Duchy on foot, escort the Trinsican bankers to the docks and set sail for home with the chests of gold and gems safely locked in the holds of two merchantmen.

Simple enough or so it seemed...

All went to plan until we started loading the Trinsican vessels. The Baron, Kobra and Delferium all fell foul of some wytchery that transported them to Maginica and back, leaving them in a funk and the Company Medic on his arse. Once recovered and with the gold aboard ship we set sail for Cove a little more wary and alert than before. This wouldn't be as easy as we thought.

The ships became seperated and were set upon by sea beasts. I knew we should have forgone the Duke's kindness and used our crewmen from Cove. Both vessels survived their encounters and headed into Cove bay only to find a boat full of orcs barring the way, their craft bedecked in grizzle and gore.

With our fleet seperated the orcs were able to engage us one at a time giving them the element of surprise and the upper hand. The first vessel managed to crawl into port with the orcs close behind where fierce hand to hand fighting ensued.

The warriors of the first vessel were almost overcome just as the second merchantmen sailed around the headland and turned into the bay. The orcs were no match for this second wave of Company warriors, though they did manage to flee having stolen a small amount of the gold and gems from the hold of the first ship.

Small amount though it was, the Company would not stand for such an act of villany and once the main of the loot was entered into the coffers those who were still fit to fight lined up outside the barracks to head off in search of orcs.

*A series of sketches drawn below the report*



Raiden, Commander.

[Note to admin: Please award 1 board task for everyone present at this event.]