Title: Sentry Duty Post by: Pickles on May 12, 2009, 01:51:52 am Leading:
Elizabeth "Pickles" Martin ~ Officer Cadet Attending: Torrak Keres ~ Sergeant Kal ShadowHand ~ Officer Cadet (left early) Delferium ~ Junior Guardsman Leander Le Blanc ~ Junior Guardsman Thomas Aylmer ~ Guardsman Recruit Peter Gunnersun ~ Guardsman Recruit Leith Keres ~ Guardsman Recruit I led a sentry outside the Barracks entrance, because Sergeant Keres asked me to do something something constructive with the men. I was going to start a sentry but was interrupted by and Orc who attacked us. we quickly dispached the orc, sending it on it's way. We then got started on our Sentry. About halfway through construction of out sentry some damned Drow poped up. We quickly told her she was not welcomed in Cove and I opened a portal to Trinsic where we told her she would be welcome. No bloodshed was needed to dispatch this Drow. We finally then was able to complete the sentry and stand guard at the Barracks. (http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/875/sentry.jpg) (http://img15.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sentry.jpg) We were then visited by a person who said he served with the Templar Knights. He was speaking about Orc attacks around Cove, and saying that he dispatched two and we were doing nothing... I really wasn't paying much attention he was very boring. After a while Buttons took him inside and talked to him, then with no more trouble around we the deconstructed the Sentry, and dissmissed the men. Cove is safe once again! *Signed* Elizabeth "Pickles" Martin Officer Cadet Title: Re: Sentry Duty Post by: Raiden Morana on May 12, 2009, 10:45:22 am A fine construction indeed Cadet.
Ye should have opened a portal ter Yew lass... ye could have got shut of the borin' paladin too. Then again the Yewish would have probably welcomed the Drow. *snorts* *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Sentry Duty Post by: Delfer on May 12, 2009, 10:09:33 pm Told 'im we'd handle th' orcs ourselves! Nay need templars Millin' about in th' woods. Title: Re: Sentry Duty Post by: Kal/Mathew on May 15, 2009, 10:55:21 am [Reads the Report]
Umm! Pickles! Everyone there I know, but I was nay there. I was off with my new love when this Sentry was made. From your Scetches I see all the men there and their names but one name missen. Cor'Vani is nay mentioned in your report and I see him in your Drawings. Thank ye fer thinking of me though, But give the Credit to those who was there. Signed Officer Cadet: Kal ShadowHand Title: Re: Sentry Duty Post by: Pickles on May 15, 2009, 05:01:24 pm Kal, you were in the line up and you started construction with us until you i jured your hand. If my memory is correct. I did not add Cor'Vani to the list because he never di join the sentry, he only sat there watching us.
*Signed* Elizabeth "Pickles" Martin Officer Cadet Title: Re: Sentry Duty Post by: Raven on May 15, 2009, 05:32:21 pm * Glances at the conversation *...
Splittin' hairs? Title: Re: Sentry Duty Post by: Kal/Mathew on May 16, 2009, 04:46:17 pm Aye! I did not include my self as I was not able to stay, I am sorry. As for Cor' I kow know why, an I will be working with him for he is not use to our Customs. And he told me that he asked what was going on only to be talked down to fer being an elf. Please do me a Favore Pickles, if you see any one talking down to Cor, again.... Stop em. I recruited this man for he has skills that can be used by the Army and he is a grand Mage all around.
Signed Officer Cadet: Kal ShadowHand |