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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Lothar on May 22, 2005, 09:56:03 pm

Title: [PR] The Church [PR]
Post by: Lothar on May 22, 2005, 09:56:03 pm
Im just trying to get an understanding of people and their thoughts, so I have made this survey for people to do so I can get a more clear understanding on your opinions.

What do you think of the Church and the religion?

What should be changed about the Church and the religion?

How does your character(s) feel about the Church and the religion?

Please comment since it will shed some light and hopefully give the churchies some inspiration for the future.

Title: Re: [PR] The Church [PR]
Post by: John Dell on May 22, 2005, 10:01:44 pm
Em, no idea, John Dell thinks the church is good, but he is not sure he understands it. That is not the churchs fault but it has to do with Johns intelligence  :P

Title: Re: [PR] The Church [PR]
Post by: Gregor Eason on May 22, 2005, 10:55:48 pm
Why do you always put John down? Give the man some confidence!  :P

What do you think of the Church and the religion?

I think its excellent, but I feel its losing its spark a bit. The Masses are beginning to drag and it's falling into a monotomous repeat of putting people in the correction chamber and calling others infidels.

What should be changed about the Church and the religion?

I think more Church events/activites should be conjured up (and I don't mean more Masses). Also, other ways should be raised in which the people of Cove can interact with the Church without being lectured to for an hour *smirk*
I also think that perhaps the Church should lower some of its fear factor just a slight, slight notch (though I do know the medieval church was notorious for its harshness, I feel a little leeway can be extended here).

How does your character(s) feel about the Church and the religion?

The Church tried to ban Ale.  ;D Otherwise, Eason is a fairly good Avatari. Has served in a few crusades.

Title: Re: [PR] The Church [PR]
Post by: Calico on May 22, 2005, 11:44:21 pm
What do you think of the Church and the religion?
There is a fine line between intresting and well thought out, and beign so involved that it's a turn off to players. *shrugs*  I am a bit curious if other guilds have masses and what those are like.

The whole arch angel thing is a bit bizar.. what about Iolo, and the other heros? Isn't that basicaly their roll?

What should be changed about the Church and the religion?
Mass dosen't have to be nearly so long and involved.  More like, get the tithe for the week, have some queer little cerimony that takes up the bulk of the time, and a five min or so of chastisement.

I'd knock it off with the whole "God" thing.  Fine, the Avitar is a "god" but he isn't the "God" UO or other wise.  Stick to the pre-existing UO stuff, it's getting kida weird, and there is pleanty of stuff allready writen to use.

I like the cut-throat violence though... *grins*

How does your character(s) feel about the Church and the religion?
Kate isn't an Avatar worshiper, she was brought up strictly following the Virtues.  At first she thought the church and the Templars were full of it, but through events has developed a definate fear of them, if not grudging respect.  The main reasion she attends Mass because that is the last place you'd expect to look for a non-beliver... sneaky sneaky woman.

Title: Re: [PR] The Church [PR]
Post by: Gregor Eason on May 23, 2005, 12:59:19 am
Your point on Mass I agree with. I think they should be a LOT shorter. They are fun, but novelty fades away after going over the 30minute mark.

I think Masses should be around 20minutes in length. But I think to make up for shorter Masses there should be more Church activities throughout the week. Also, I think Mass should take an evening slot as opposed to 4pm. More opportunity for greater numbers.