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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Delfer on May 13, 2009, 10:26:15 pm

Title: From Compassion to Chaos, Naked...
Post by: Delfer on May 13, 2009, 10:26:15 pm

Caution: What you are about to read may shock and amaze you.

Commanding Officer: Buttons, Leader of Men!
Guardsmen in attendance:
Keres, Sergeant
Raven, Regular Guardsmen
Lenny "Birdman", Recruit
Leander Leblanc, Junior Guardsmen

It was simple, all they had to do was make it from the shrine of Compassion to the shrine of Chaos and they'd be safe. But they were given nothing but their weapon of choice, bandages and their prized Covian cap!

There weh were, starin' down the moongate. All we had was our weapons, our hats and each other. Vereh few of us knew what was in store fer 'em. Our destination would be Ilshenar. We went through to Compassion. The men were kept together by strict orders and a promise of danger. Through the forested highlands of Compassion, across the first bridge to the East. Passed the tower of undead where deadleh creatures lay. Over the second bridge into the Montor Desert.

We travelled through the hordes, gargoyles, orcs, scorpions, ostrich-lizards, imps, wyverns and elementals. We kept our backs to the mountain sides, preventing flanking but evereh so often we'd come upon an opening and we'd form and heal until the creature hordes came to us. This strategy is very effective in areas with a high population of monsters. We fought our way through the desert into the mountains and relative safety. We'd set up camp for a while and get something to eat for ourselves. We were half-way there, and the journey home would nay beh easeh.

As a sick joke, we decided to break from our cross-countreh journeh to take a little detour. We descended into a mountain pass rumored to have ancient spellcasters residing inside. However it proved to be rather empty but weh nay went t' th' end of it. We'll 'ave t' return to that place some time and finish the job because ah believe there's more to it than it seems. After tha' little bit weh climbed down the mountain into the vanguard of sand before Chaos. The path seemed riddled with death as weh nearleh met th' end of our lives to a golden elemental of rock. However weh managed t' lose it in th' mountains an' make ah break fer th' moongate. Weh ran through the sand, falling all over ourselves, and through the steep pass to the grey bridge. Running, running weh ascended the steps and went through the gate to Minoc.

Weh came home kilts torn, sashes bloody, boots partialleh burnt, faces dirteh, but with caps perfectleh intact. An' no one died! All five of us survived the trek across Ilshenar with nay armor. A grand Covian victoreh!

Gold Collected~ 12048
Memorable Notes~
Raven seemed t' 'ave a bulls eye on his face.
Raven tried t' keep a pet bird alive through our journeh an' failed.
Th' Recruit nearleh choked t' death on goat meat.
Th' mountain weh set up camp in was named "Mt.Buttons" and is located in the "Keres Range"
Some bloke on shade was found in th' mountain cave. His axe was taken.
Gold rock elementals are highleh dangerous

Sketches provided by Keres

Buttons, Hero

Title: Re: From Compassion to Chaos, Naked...
Post by: Linaeus on May 13, 2009, 11:38:40 pm
*Attaches a bunch of sketches to the bottom.*
