Title: Dark Tokuno - 7.30pm GMT, Wednesday 25/05/05 *REVISED* Post by: Gregor Eason on May 22, 2005, 10:26:17 pm When: 7.30pm GMT, Wednesday
Where: Meet outside Cove Barracks Bring: Full Combat Gear! A Tokuno native, Kasei, shall be guiding a dispatch of Covian guardsmen through his homeland on a series of expeditions and hunts. The native claims Tokuno is an exceptional hunting ground, and a great place to test the fighting prowess and skill of the Cove Militia. The first place he is taking the Militia? Yomotsu Mines. (http://jbe.la.psu.edu/textbooks/480/graphics/ch10/31.jpg) An artist's impression of Yomotsu. (OOC: Not what they look like in UO) Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council |