Title: A Note Stuck on the Door of Marcus Kobra with a Dagger Post by: Kal/Mathew on May 15, 2009, 03:15:25 pm Marcus, I come by but you were not home. I write you this letter to inform you that Tristan has returned to Cove a scared lad.I promised him that I would not tell you of the nature of his return and you know us Scouts.... we never break a promise.
I can however tell you that I have taken him under my wing and will set up some training for him and teach him the ways of the Scouts. You needen worry about the lad I will take good care of him whilst he is in my home. If you any questions I will be in Cove as always so please look me up for any answers. Signed Officer Cadet: Kal ShadowHand Title: Re: A Note Stuck on the Door of Marcus Kobra with a Dagger Post by: Marcus Kobra on May 16, 2009, 03:34:23 am *Marcus eyed his door with trepidation, this would not be the first note left in such a manner. . . He snatched the note from under the blade. Marcus scanned the note with a nod. He knew Kal was a man he could trust, with his life if need be. Though he wondered what fear troubled his son.
He'd also have to tell the man to use the bloody poste.* |