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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Cocidius on May 16, 2009, 12:15:03 am

Title: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on May 16, 2009, 12:15:03 am


Deacon van Cocidius, former Supreme Chancellor of Vesper is organising a series of expeditions into the lands of Ilshenar. Every Monday of the week, we will be adventuring deep into the vast lands of Ilshenar, with a mixture of sight-seeing and dungeon crawling! All information gained with this expedition will be presented in the form of an encylopedia, so give a hand and help out!

[OOC] This expedition will take place on every Monday of the week for the next 14 weeks (14 expeditions - could be less) but may be changed if the EM's have other events going on on that day. We will set off at 8pm, each Monday and there is a set path where we will have a mixture of sight-seeing in Ilshenar, and dungeon crawls, so be ready for both.

Further information will be posted the Friday before each Monday expedition with a breif on where we'll be going, and what we'll be doing. So come along, have some fun!

P.S. - New to Cove's forums.. so if this is like, frowned upon or in the wrong place, feel free to spank me over ICQ.

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on May 16, 2009, 12:34:38 am
First Trip: Meet at Spirituality Moongate at 8pm on Monday the 18th.

We'll start off by entering Blood Dungeon, and then finish our first trip with the rest of the evening in the Twin Oaks tavern.


Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Faden on May 16, 2009, 03:58:57 pm
I shall attend.

Faden Wildheart

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on May 18, 2009, 01:25:27 am
*Reminder* ^ ^ ^

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on May 19, 2009, 12:14:24 pm
Thanks to everyone who turned up - didn't expect such a huge turnout.

Report can be found here; http://www.f4g.net/town-crier/9746-i...html#post76323

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on May 22, 2009, 02:26:07 am
Second Trip: Meet at the Twin Oaks at 8pm on Monday the 25th.

We'll be continuing our trip from the Twin Oaks Tavern, and head north into the Spider Cave. From there we will then go to the Gargoyle built town in the middle of the lake, Reg Volon. Once finished there we will make our way back to the Twin Oaks and head around the lake to Lakeshire, and then to the Pixie Village, Bet-Lem Reg.

(Warning: Negative Karma people will be attacked by the pixies in the surrounding area, and also the Meer people in Lakeshire. And the Angel folk in Reg Volon. You have been warned!)


Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on May 25, 2009, 01:02:46 am
*Reminder* ^ ^ ^ ^

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on May 27, 2009, 12:27:16 am
Yet another impressive turnout, thanks again. And I apologise for the cockup in the Ethereal dungeon. I swear those doors used to let you back out once you had gone through. If anybody lost anything, ICQ me on 433-974-278 and I'll see what I can do about replacing the losses.

Formal report can be found here. http://www.f4g.net/town-crier/9746-ilshenar-report.html#post76493

Hildy's report can be found here. http://www.f4g.net/records-office/9750-hildys-ilshenar-report.html

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on May 29, 2009, 05:58:18 pm
3rd Trip: Meet at the Sacrifice moongate for 8pm GMT.

Hopefully we wont be getting trapped in no rooms this week as we'll be heading into the Rat Mines where legend says the Skeletal Dragon guards mountains of gold and treasure! We'll then finish off the night heading to Healers Grove to mend any wounds.


Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on June 01, 2009, 03:09:13 am
^ *Reminder* ^

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on June 03, 2009, 12:22:33 am
Thanks for turning up, report is here: http://www.f4g.net/town-crier/9746-i...html#post76732

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on June 06, 2009, 02:33:22 am
4th Trip: Meet at Justice Moongate at 8pm (Hostile Moongate, be prepared).

We shall travel through the lands and to the great abandoned City of Mistas. From there we will head into the mountains to the North and through the Serpents Passage (Negative karma people, prepare to be ganked) and through to the Ankh Dungeon. From the Ankh Dungeon we shall take the North most exit to the ruined outpost where our journey shall end for the evening.

If this goes by too quickly, we may head back into the Ankh Dungeon, and explore the Kirin Passage to the south most exit from the dungeon, we shall see.


Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on June 08, 2009, 02:52:53 am
This is tonight, friends.

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on June 13, 2009, 01:09:56 am
No expedition this coming Monday (15th) due to an EM event taking place. Will give me time to play catch up on the reports after a pretty chaotic week for me. Hopefully the expeditions shall resume the following Monday (22nd).

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on June 20, 2009, 01:44:12 am
Fifth Trip: Meet at Honesty Moongate at 8pm GMT (Hostile Moongate)

Nothing major, just a trip through Wisp Dungeon. Unless there's an EM event going on that I am unaware about, if so then it shall be postponed till next week!


Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on June 22, 2009, 08:38:32 pm

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on June 27, 2009, 01:36:25 pm
Sixth Trip: Meet at Honesty Moongate at 8pm GMT (hostile moongate).

This week we'll be heading to the Lizardman Village deep in the swamps, where the legendary Ancient Wyrm is rumoured to live. After that we will see the blessed tree and then travel through the Ki'rin Passage, back through the Ankh Dungeon and through to Honor moongate, where we'll call it a night.


Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on June 29, 2009, 03:37:10 am
*Stamps in bright pink: "This Is Tonight" then giggles as he skips away..*

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on June 29, 2009, 03:42:28 am
On top of that, here is the latest edition of the report, covering up to the fourth trip. Fifth still needs doing, as will sixth after tonight. So be patient.


Here also is Brynhild's report on it so far; http://www.f4g.net/records-office/9750-hildys-ilshenar-report.html

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on July 03, 2009, 04:20:10 pm
Seventh Trip: Meet at The Deuce's Vinculum Inn from 7pm GMT for drinks. The expedition wont start till 8pm but this is a nice time to enjoy the area and have a drink.

At 8 we will leave to Gwenno's Memorial, bring flowers if you want.. We'll then go to Terort Skitas, and up the tower to the temple in the mountains. We'll then finish off the evening with a mellow walk north to Valor gate where we'll set off for next weeks expedition.


Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on July 06, 2009, 04:14:04 am
*Pins back up*

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on July 11, 2009, 02:12:15 am
Eight Trip: Second half of the expeditions now, we're to meet at Valor Moongate at 8pm GMT where we'll then set off through the Path of Karnaugh, to the Wyrm Mountain, and then to the ruined City of Montor.


Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on July 12, 2009, 10:32:56 pm
Cancelled till next week, due to Dorat's court hearing being continued.

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on July 20, 2009, 03:20:38 pm
We'll do the leg postponed for last week tonight for those wishing to come.

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on July 27, 2009, 07:00:34 pm
No expedition tonight, as I'm sick.

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on August 01, 2009, 04:21:27 pm
Ninth Trip: Only three to go after this one, so not many to put up with. We'll meet at 8pm GMT at Chaos moongate where we'll travel through the ruins of Montor into the mountains and into Rock Dungeon. After that we'll carry on and pass through the Ancient Citadel before heading to Compassion moongate.


Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on August 03, 2009, 07:38:07 pm
This is tonight.

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on August 08, 2009, 07:02:56 pm
Tenth Trip: Only one left to do after this one. We're to meet up at Compassion's moongate at 8pm GMT this Monday and we're going to pack quite a lot in. We'll start off on our trip into Central Ilshenar, and to the Meer Catacombs. Then we'll move onto the most famous landmark in Ilshenar, Blackthorns Castle. After a brief visit to the Savage Settlement, we move onto Exodus Dungeon and finish the evening in the Gargoyle City of Ver Lor Reg.


Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on August 10, 2009, 05:30:46 pm
This is tonight.

Title: Re: Van's Ilshenar Expedition
Post by: Cocidius on August 17, 2009, 03:28:45 am
Final expedition: Tonight (Monday) at 8pm GMT meeting at Honor moongate we'll be concluding the expedition with a visit to the Volcanic Lair and then the Gargoyle's shrine to the Virtues. Sorry for the late post of this, I've been busy working on some thing concerning the Moot.

[Teleportation scrolls will be supplied for getting into the Volcanic Lair.]
