Title: Another Blood Soaked Report Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on May 16, 2009, 03:24:35 am *In the citadel of the twilight legion the Undead Minion, Raziel Narlam screams inhumanly at the Unborn Althalos as the unborn struggles to carry heavy loads of gold and feathers up the stairs. Once Althalos finished his deed Raziel dismissed him, and turned to another Unborn named Joseph. Its eye sockets flare as the skeleton says "flesshbag mess commandsss it write messs a report!!"*
Report: Gathering Gold and Feathers in Covetous Lead by: Undead Minion, Raziel Narlam Attended: Unborn, Althalos This day, master Raziel Narlam and the Unborn Althalos headed to Covetous too gather resources for the Legion. During there attempt to collect gold and feathers they slayed many Harpies. Master Narlam slayed the beasts and commanded the Unborn to gather the feathers and gold. After the Unborn could carry no more Master Narlam took the gold from the Unborn. Together they came back with this amount in resources. (http://i702.photobucket.com/albums/ww26/Rajah0410/GoldGathering.jpg) Gold: 5614 Feathers: 1061 The master has also told me to right down the fact that I don't deserve*Looks like a stab mark with lots of blood on the spot he was writing.* Title: Re: Another Blood Soaked Report Post by: Mordraut on May 19, 2009, 10:30:09 am Excellent work, brother.
Keep thossse flesshbagss working and trained in battle we mussst. For the Guardian! |