Title: *A Sealed Letter Adressed to the Church* Post by: Delfer on May 17, 2009, 06:35:42 am (OOC: The following information is OOC knowledge to all except the church of Cove and those who are told about it IC.)
To: The Church of Cove From: It has come to my attention that the criminal "Mischief" has been allowed to roam about in Cove freely. As far as I know, the warrant for her arrest is still standing and she is to be taken into custody and put on trial. However, recent attempts to do so proved useless as the Commander currently seems to be "using" her to find the elusive captors of his wife. Despite a whole squad of scouts and endless supplies of men ready to fight. This has given the criminal "Mischief" an immunity over the law and allowed her to roam about in Cove town without question. In fact, she has even made friends amongst the ignorant who'd like to ignore the warrant. It is believed that she is behind not only the recent desecration of the church graves but also more vandalism of the church. We also have accounts that she is behind an orc attack on the church and subsequent kidnapping of a recruit. The recruit was then taken and sold to Drow as a breeding slave. I hereby request that the church return to Cove as soon as possible or at least send in the wytch hunters. This criminal is in Cove, defiling your church, would you let this go on? I urge you to step up, lest this heretic commit more vile acts. *Signed* Anonymous |