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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Me'an Silen on May 18, 2009, 06:27:28 am

Title: *A Note pinned on Shadowhand and Kobra's door as well as along trees in cove*
Post by: Me'an Silen on May 18, 2009, 06:27:28 am
  We know this city has our proporty. and it will be returned to us. Soon people will start to dissapear. untill we have recived our proporty. More and more people will get Taken. we are waching. Turn over Tristan Kobra to us at once. or Else.

what will it be. The Boy. Or your children? your family...

(http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/2715/mark.png) (http://img43.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mark.png)

Title: Re: *A Note pinned on Shadowhand and Kobra's door as well as along trees in cove*
Post by: Kal/Mathew on May 18, 2009, 06:57:07 am
[Walks up and rips the note from the door and reads it]

Hmm! So it nay be over ehh, Another wants to Challange the Viper.

*Thinks to his self* *Smiles while dipping his Krysses and dagger in his poisons*

Bring it The ladd is undr my Protection, Ye want him? Come take him!

Title: Re: *A Note pinned on Shadowhand and Kobra's door as well as along trees in cove*
Post by: Marcus Kobra on May 18, 2009, 10:19:09 am
The bloody Hell is "we"!?!

Title: Re: *A Note pinned on Shadowhand and Kobra's door as well as along trees in cove*
Post by: Hoagie on May 18, 2009, 05:19:33 pm
*Plucks a note down and stares at it...*

Cheeky bastards...

*Crunches it into a ball, drops it to the ground and treads it into the mud as he walks off*