Title: Slayin those birdwomen! Post by: Jassi Cowin on May 20, 2009, 08:57:15 pm This morning when it was nice and quiet in Cove and I was awake while everyone else was asleep, I decided to take a trip to the angry cave known as Covetous, I had slain a harpy, and a birdwoman on the way. The harpies were not as furious as I thought they would, I had slain twenty two in less than an hour and many of those were the birdwomen made of stone. *snickers*
I traveled deep and far into this cave until I saw corpser's, I let them live as they were not my mission. I turned around and fought many more on the way out. I cut up their wings and pulled out their feathers, gathering what I could. By the end I had 1100 feathers and 3827 gold pieces that I had gladly donated to the coffers. I dropped the feathers and the gold inside the red box at the barracks. (http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/rr189/Jonnyboy22/ScreenShot216.jpg) Sketches *goes back to neatly sign his report* - Jassi Cowin - Title: Re: Slayin those birdwomen! Post by: Delfer on May 20, 2009, 11:02:26 pm Whoevah wrote tha', remember t' sign it so weh know who did what! *Signed* Buttons |