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Command Boards => The Twilight Legion => Topic started by: Mordraut on May 22, 2009, 08:20:54 am

Title: Unborn Deed ~ Casandra Vance
Post by: Mordraut on May 22, 2009, 08:20:54 am
As the clock struck midnight a bloodcurdling but familiar voice rang within the wandering Unborn's ears.

“Good Soulsss Unborn,

Ssserved the Massster well thuss far, vysss have. Complete for me thiss deed, and vysss sshall be closser to immortality.

Deed: Building a Ssshrine

Create a ssshrine for the massster withing the Baronssship Houssehold. Prepare thesse thingsss vysss will: tubss of blood, limbsss of mortalsss, boness, cratesss, torchess, hidesss of beastsss and anything elssse macabre.

1)Thisss deed mussst be done alone.  Nyssst take anyone with vyss.

2)Guard and Preach by thisss sshrine about Guardian for fifteen minutesss vyss will. Do what vysss mussst to hide vysss idenetity, but never denounce the Massster. If ssslaughtered vyss are, a ssshame it isss. Find another flesssh bag to replace vysss, I will.

An example thisss isss”

A bloody image flashed before the Unborns eyes:


Once completed with thisss tassk vys art, arrange a ceremony the Ancient ssshall. Ssstand judgment before Guardian vysss will. In Hisss handss , vysss fate isss.

Fail usss nysst mortal!!”

The voice cackled madly, echoing hauntingly in her ears for a few moments before dissipating entirely.