Title: Unborn Deed ~ Troy Bellon Post by: Mordraut on May 22, 2009, 10:59:50 pm Good Soulsss Unborn,
Doubtlesss vysss know, but the Well hungersss for sssoulss. Have a deed for vyss I do. Complete thisss tassk alone vyss may, but by all meansss bring an ally with vyss if vyss choosse. Sssoutheassst of Yew deep within the woodss vyss art to venture. Along the road to Ssskara Brae and Yew ssstumble upon a mortal camp vyss will. Aggravated me thessse humansss have, reap their ssoulss vyss musst. Ssslay them and bring me no lesss than twenty earsss. Expect a full report and the amount of gold for the coffersss noted I do. Sssee if you are worthy, Unborn. *etched imperiously* Mordraut |