Title: A Warrant for the Arrest of Cor' Vani Post by: Delfer on May 25, 2009, 11:37:17 pm Cor'Vani is hereby to be stopped on sight and arrested for the following charges: ~Refusal to obey authority ~Assault on a guardsmen The male elf is believed to be of "Commoner" status as he recently left the army from the rank of recruit. This civilian wears brown leather, has yellow hair and wears a dark shroud. Be advised, he uses wytchery to an effective extent and will likely use it to resist arrest He is to be brought into the cells and detained until an officer arrives *Signed* Buttons, Junior Title: Re: A Warrant for the Arrest of Cor' Vani Post by: Kal/Mathew on May 26, 2009, 06:33:31 am {Walks by reading the wanted Poster}
Hmm! Good thing I escorted the fella out of Cove before these posters come out! |