Title: Senior Duty ~ Taking On An Apprentice Post by: Raiden Morana on June 04, 2009, 07:25:12 pm Aye. Apprentices... I've had a few. Some have been fortunate to progress far, such as former Grenadier Corporal Eve and Junior Grenadier Styx. Some have been less fortunate and ended up dead. But they were the ones that didn't listen.
Taking on an apprentice means you can give a little something back to Cove and also help an aspiring guardsman along the way. We all remember how daunting our first days in the army were so let's give those recruits a hand eh? ~ Take on a new recruit as your apprentice and help them settle into army life in Cove. ~ You may take on more than 1 (though you may complete this duty only once) apprentice but don't overstretch yourself. ~ Post the names of your apprentices below. ~ If you mentor your apprentice to Junior Guardsman post evidence below and you will be awarded an extra mark. This task may be completed by Senior Guardsmen. You may take more than 1 apprentice but you will only receive 1 mark. You will receive and extra mark for any apprentices that reach the rank of Junior Guardsman. Commander's Comments: What ever happened ter Sinist...? *mutters* *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Senior Duty ~ Taking On An Apprentice Post by: Gregor Eason on May 29, 2011, 06:51:41 am I have taken onboard Guardsman Recruit Zared (http://cove.sugeworld.com/forum/index.php?topic=15246.0.html) as my Apprentice as of 25/05/11.
I'll see she gets to the Junior Guardsman rank swiftly! Gregor Eason Senior Guardsman, Covian Army |