Title: Hup! Hup! Sentry Time Post by: Faden on June 05, 2009, 08:51:55 pm Event type:
Sentry duty Lead by: Faden Wildheart Attended by: Garand, Junior Scout Kal ShadowHand, Officer Cadet Jon Trent, Junior Guardsman Elizabeth Martin, Officer Cadet (http://xs840.xs.to/xs840/09235/sentry665.jpg) Well this 'eve be quiet so I ralled up all available troops at the Barracks, Garand came; I guess everyone else was sleeping. I, Faden Wildheart and Garand gathered leather to create a sentry at the Barrack steps. Since the recent assaults on Covians by the Serpent Slavers it seemed wise to protect a part of Cove. We spoke of many things including the Scouts, women and er many other things. We stood guarding for just over an hour before our first activity arrived in the shape of Jon Trent. This calm sentry then turned into a violent show of skills as we began to duel. It appears Garand is quite the fighter after he downed both me and Jon. Kal ShadowHand then arrived and really displayed some poisoning kills, I could say we never stood a chance against his assassins spike. Elizabeth then arrived, I miss her bells and cheerful small, what has leadership turned her into? A little after one and half hours it was assured the Barracks were safe and the group disbanded. Signed, Faden Wildheart Title: Re: Hup! Hup! Sentry Time Post by: Raiden Morana on June 06, 2009, 12:00:23 am Good work chaps.
*signed* Raiden, Commander. |