Title: Forum Avatars - A Small Request Post by: Arma Renox on June 09, 2009, 06:03:21 pm Hullo chaps,
I have a small request: would it be possible for some one to rehost the forum avatars that are currently on www.blindmansworkshop.com (on Imageshack or something free like that)? My hosting company are getting quite fussy about content that gets hotlinked rather than being a part of my actual site, and I'm trying to do a big clear out in attempts to please them and reduce the amount of images bots and crawlers and searches etc. have to plough through my site. If some one could let me know if / when this happens, as I wouldn't want to remove them before the forum is safely using them from elsewhere. Good to see BoC going strong (I do browse the news from time to time). For Cove! Title: Re: Forum Avatars - A Small Request Post by: Hoagie on June 10, 2009, 01:21:45 am Hey matey! Good to see you about on the forums. :) Now, get back in game!
It would be most possible. If you want, you can email a .zip file of all the avatars to jamesforthewin [at] gmail [dot] com, and then feel free to remove 'em from your webspace. Cheers. :) Title: Re: Forum Avatars - A Small Request Post by: Arma Renox on June 10, 2009, 06:25:23 pm I'll be back the day they make UO free and fix the less significant portion of the game, ie: non-RP content and the entire economy ;)
Will try and remember to mail it all over tonight when I get home from work. Thanks Hoag! Title: Re: Forum Avatars - A Small Request Post by: Arma Renox on June 16, 2009, 05:09:56 pm Saw your post Hoagie in the Announcements - will probably remove the images from my host tonight, so that should prompt everyone to apply the new ones!