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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Marcus the lost on June 09, 2009, 08:41:18 pm

Title: Hazes of a past forgotten
Post by: Marcus the lost on June 09, 2009, 08:41:18 pm
The utter confusion is torment in my oblivious mind, there is nothing but darkness.. a black gaping void where my memory once was.. I sometimes hear them, the voices of my past.. but they are unclear and just build to my never ending confusion...

"Cut him loose here! We cannot continue to drag his pathetic body any longer!"

"But we can not leave him here! He will die!"

"He is a liability now, toss him in the water and let the sea judge his soul.."

I know nothing, i was awoken by a stranger who called the place i was in.. Cove.. I do not know this place, i do not know any place.. I can't even remember my own name..

Title: Re: Hazes of a past forgotten
Post by: Marcus the lost on June 10, 2009, 02:09:34 pm
M.V. i call myself, the strange initials that seem to follow me.. First i see them on my sash and then the guards saw it on the rusty badge they found on the ground where i woke up.. Sergeant Kerres insists that my name is "Marvin" but i do not think so.. I'll be M.V. until i regain more memories.. if that ever happens..

I like it here, Cove seems to be decent place and the army duties are to my liking.. So i wouldn't be surprised that even when i regain my memory that i decide to stick around..

I still hear the voices.. in my sleep and even as i am awake, i close my eyes only for a moment and see this wave of strange images and voices in my head.. they scare me, and Sergeant Kerres probably thinks i'm insane after my outburst in his line the other day... I hate this, i just want to remember. It will make it all so easier.. to adapt to my new surroundings.. In my sleep this night i heard different voices, different from the ones i hear usually..

"This isn't who you are!"

"Leave him be, he has chosen his path!"

"Don't trust them! They will stab you in the back!"

So strange, yet so familiar..

Title: Re: Hazes of a past forgotten
Post by: Marcus the lost on June 11, 2009, 07:39:59 pm
I saw my own doom crawling upon me.. It was a troubling sight, i was sat in the barracks with the captain and some others and all the sudden my very surroundings shifted.. I was in a different place, gold sand marble walls and red tapestry.. I was armored in gold ceremonial armor, i felt strong and important.. But then they entered..

"Good to see your still here commander.. "

"I'm sorry about this Marcus, but we cannot let you leave the island.."

"Put an end to his existance, and this entire dramatic charade.. "

They approached me, that she-devil and a group of armed guards.. Vile intentions in their eyes.. But then my world again shifted, and i found myself back in Cove..