Title: Undead and a lucky Recruit Post by: Me'an Silen on June 11, 2009, 02:17:43 pm As i was walking through cove in the night's shadows, My normal way, i came across a horrid sight. a Undead Beast, standing over a knocked out recruit. i drew my bow and went onto the Markets porch as the Recruit came to i launched an Arrow at the Skelliton and gave one order to the recruit. "Get out of here" the undead used a Dark magic.
I went fuzzy from there but i guess my instinct kicked in and i made it back to cove. i woke up in the hospital with kal saying "This will hurt" He pryed one of the feinds bones from my back. i hold it now as a rememberence. i will slay the undead. According to a healer who stoped by after kal left. I have a broken leg cut eye and multiple Deep cut wounds. and i should be on bedrest for awile. so in short terms. Im ready for action Sir! Send me back out! -Me'an silen, watchmen P.s. My hands were to busy i was unable to paint anything. Title: Re: Undead and a lucky Recruit Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on June 11, 2009, 08:31:43 pm (http://i702.photobucket.com/albums/ww26/Rajah0410/RazielNarlam.jpg)