Title: Regular Duty ~ Rescue Mission Post by: Raiden Morana on June 15, 2009, 04:54:16 pm Every day Sosarian travellers fall foul of brigands, lizardmen and orcs seeking to ransom their release or looking for tribute. Your mission Junior is to seek out the camps and dungeons where these evil doers dwell and rescue their hostages and deliver them to the saftey of the location of their choosing.
~ Rescue 5 NPC's from their captors and deliver them to their chosen destination. ~ Mages may not create portals. Many folk are untrusting of magery. ~ Your rescue missions may be carried out alone though it may be wise to take other guardsmen as backup. ~ Post a full report of these rescue missions below detailing the hostage's resuce and arrival at the desired destination. This task may be completed by Regular Guardsmen. This task may only be completed once per character. Commander's comments: Make sure yr get 'em out alive. Organise a group of guardsmen maybe if yer goin' into the enemies lair. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |