Title: Looking for a plot near Cove Post by: Rothgar on June 16, 2009, 04:05:45 pm Hi there!
I would like to get more involved in Cove and would like to cement that involvement by owning a piece of real-estate near the guild city. Does anyone know of one or does someone have one they aree willing to trade/sell? Thanks! My ICQ is 11764536 Title: Re: Looking for a plot near Cove Post by: Xavier on June 16, 2009, 11:46:05 pm If you don't mind a smaller house there are a few spots throughout the shire, and maybe along the southern coastline. There might also be some up near the Altmere Outpost, or along the mountain range there.
Good Luck! Title: Re: Looking for a plot near Cove Post by: Marcus Kobra on June 17, 2009, 02:20:26 am There are many. And if you should need help placing just contact me. I'm an expert home wrecker. . i mean placer.