Title: Keres Seeking Apprentice(s) Post by: Linaeus on June 16, 2009, 11:35:21 pm To all Recruits, Watchmen, and Juniors,
I, Sergeant Torrak Keres of the 1st Baron's Own Grenadiers, am offering my services as a mentor to any lower-ranking Guardsmen who think they can handle it. I'll train ye in the ways of the Covian Army and the Grenadiers. You will be expected to complete the tasks I set for you, and complete them in a timely fashion. I wont tolerate laziness or complaining - I dont care if I tell you to slay fifty mongbats and sketch their corpses, ye'll do it and ye'll do it happily, knowing that theres a lesson to be learned in the task! Requirements; - Must be below the rank of Regular Guardsman. - Must not be a mage or a stealther. - Must have active times similar to my own (I'm usually active between 5:00pm and 5:00am GMT pretty much every day during the Summer). - Must be willing to complete tasks that may not always be fun or exciting. - Must be willing to work hard and try harder, and not give up when you encounter an obstacle. If you do not maintain a satisfactory level of activity, and do not alert me to any special circumstance causing this lack of activity, I will drop you as an Apprentice and find a new one. I will take up to two apprentices. Post your names below if you're interested. Sergeant Torrak Keres, Baron's Own Grenadiers Title: Re: Keres Seeking Apprentice(s) Post by: Linaeus on June 21, 2009, 07:00:44 am No one!?
Title: Re: Keres Seeking Apprentice(s) Post by: Me'an Silen on June 21, 2009, 07:06:32 am Id rather shoot myself in the foot
*Dosent sign it and runs off* Title: Re: Keres Seeking Apprentice(s) Post by: Rita on July 08, 2009, 03:58:25 am Might as well make it all official-like:
Rita Whalebiter, Guardsman Recruit Title: Re: Keres Seeking Apprentice(s) Post by: Linaeus on July 08, 2009, 04:00:28 am You'll be Keres-like in no time, Whalebiter! 1st Goal: Make Watchman by this Sunday. - Keres |