Title: Market in New Haven - Thursday 25th June - 8PM GMT Post by: Freckletip on June 18, 2009, 11:28:18 pm Covians have been invited to set up stalls or come to browse goods at...
Market Day In New Haven When: 25th of June, 8 PM GMT Where: The Lion's Den Inn, New Haven (across from the smithy) What: Craftsmen and traders from all over the realm are welcome to set up stall and pen their wares. There will be many skilled crafters to do your repairs or shopping and also a dancing floor and later a fighting pit to let off steam either way. Come One Come All to stroll the town, sift through the various stalls and have a good time! Title: Re: Market in New Haven - Thursday 25th June - 8PM GMT Post by: Raiden Morana on June 25, 2009, 02:38:21 pm *Repins to the top of the board*