Title: Assault on the Serpentine Dragons Post by: Marcus Kobra on June 20, 2009, 05:19:19 am Attending:
Marcus Kobra, Regular (Leading) Pickles, Officer Cadet Kal Shadowhand, Officer Cadet Delferium, Rubbish deserter Junior Marie Le Blanc, Watchman Whalebiter, Recruit I started us all off with a full on charge to the Moongate. After that We went into Ilshenar and wandered around generally slaying EVERYTHING. The pixies do NOT like Buttons. Must smell bad. . . . that poofy beard must scare them too. Anyways after slaying the entire population of the region we made way into mistas. A full assault was required to break their defences but we soon crushed them rather good and made our way into the lair of the Dragons. We must have slew HUNDREDS of the things whislt trying to rouse a Golden one. We got what we asked for finaly. . . and strangly just after Buttons fled. Must be that damned beard! Well sadly we where quickly forced to withdraw, our steel was no match for its scales. Whalebiter, Kal, and Delf gave 10,000 to the coffers with a total of 34900 going into the coffers. Along with various hides and scales. We nay got the trophy! But we made a tidy sum. *Signed* Marcus Kobra, Regular Guardsman. *Some Sketches* (http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/2126/finishedo.png) Title: Re: Assault on the Serpentine Dragons Post by: Raiden Morana on June 20, 2009, 10:32:57 am Good work chaps!
*signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Assault on the Serpentine Dragons Post by: Delfer on June 20, 2009, 04:36:42 pm The dragon clearleh was too afraid of meh t' come out. *Signed* Buttons, Junior |