Title: Recruitment Duty ~ Tuesday June 23rd. 10pm GMT Post by: Pickles on June 20, 2009, 12:47:59 pm When:
Tuesday June 23rd 10pm GMT Where: Rally at the Barracks Bring: Parade dress, and lots of Guards! Nothing is more important then Recruitment at a time of a threat of war by the "king"! We need to go out to find more recruits so we will be heading to a major town for a Recruitment stall and Parade! Show your Covian pride by helping to grow our numbers! *Signed* Elizabeth "Pickles" Martin Officer Cadet Title: Re: Recruitment Duty ~ Sunday June 21st. 10pm GMT Post by: Pickles on June 22, 2009, 04:07:22 pm Sorry for my absence, I was unexpectedly needed else where. THis will be moved to Tuesday the 23rd.
*Signed* Elizabeth "Pickles" Martin Officer Cadet Title: Re: Recruitment Duty ~ Tuesday June 23rd. 10pm GMT Post by: Raiden Morana on June 23, 2009, 08:37:43 am *Bump*
This is tonight. |