Title: Dont forget them Post by: Me'an Silen on June 27, 2009, 07:16:32 pm - i wrote this this is NOT spam- Your alarm clock Rings. you Curse that you have to get up early for work. Their alarm is a Bomb going off at 3 A.M. They dont complain they get their gun and head out. You get cought in trafic You flick off the guy infront of you for stoping. Their Caravan gets ambushed. He watches his best freind die in the Jeep ahead of him. You get to work You sit in your office and do paperwork They get to work. They take cover in an ally shooting at people who want you dead. Lunch time comes. You go out to eat and complain about the line being too long Their lunch time has come and passed. they didnt get it. You go home and watch a war movie on T.v. You complain about too many interuptions. They are living the movie. They wish they could have a break. You lay your head down to sleep. in your bed safe. He leans aginst a building and closes his eyes wondering if he will wake. Almost everyone takes their life for granted i know i do. but i will pray for those who live their life. and i hope they stay as safe as possible. Post this poem if where you feel like it if you feel like it. And i dont really care if you tell people who wrote it. all that maters is that it was written. -Deticated to the troops and familys of troops- |