Title: Apples Needed! Post by: Delfer on June 28, 2009, 06:34:58 pm Stupid mages and their silly magic, it makes me sick. Literally, I feel like throwing up sometimes. That's what my apples are for, always keeping me in good shape! But I've run out so I need to re-stock. I need 100 of the finest blue apples to keep myself healthy. Whoever fills this order may decide on the payment. *Signed* Buttons Title: Re: Apples Needed! Post by: Axiana on June 28, 2009, 08:30:48 pm *Axiana responds to the request and employs an assistant to handle the order*
An order of 100 enchanted apples has been collected by Delferium from the Covian Market for the sum of 5000gp. |