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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Marcus Kobra on July 01, 2009, 08:30:51 am

Title: Sundown
Post by: Marcus Kobra on July 01, 2009, 08:30:51 am
Duo crept through the woods slowly. A shadow had moved across his vision, just past his dinner fire. That and the sound of phlegm filled coughs between mad laughter. Into a small clearing he peered now. A hooded and shadowed figure stood there, stooped over some pile of gore. Duo gagged and nearly vomited as he saw multiple bodies of man and beast there, all in various stages of decomposition. The site was grotesque. He heard a chanting as the figure swayed back and forth and he knocked an arrow ready to strike.

Suddenly between a blink and a heartbeat the figure loomed in his face cackling and howling mad. With a breath Duo felt a portion of his life force drained and he became weak releasing the arrow and dropping his bow. He yawned uncontrollably and felt that only sleep could cure him. In that instant the mound of flesh and bone and blood rose assembling itself into the most abominable thing he had ever seen. It slowly lumbered towards him as the shadowed figure drifted back to watch with glee and malice.

Too tired to crawl away, too tired to raise his arms in defence or even cry for help he watched in horror as the beast lumbered ever closer. As the beast loomed over him he crossed himself with an weakly made Ankh and then his eyes locked onto the sun. A sun fadding below the horizon in orange and red; the last sundown he would ever see.

The next morning on his way into Cove for milk and eggs Marcus came upon the mangled body of Duo Aristide, the sight hardly moved him, he had gotten used to seeing recruits splattered all over the place. This though did stink of evil purpose. No blade or wild animal had done these things to his body. The connotations of evil shook him to his core as he said a prayer over the remains and then summoning a ball of flame cleansed the scene of gore and in a nearby tree he seared the recruits name, nationality, and the days date. He then left a report for the Watch concerning the event and went about his shopping. Marcus might never know who had done the deed and he certainly hadn't known the boy, but he admitted it could have been his own son and an unnatural fear gripped him quickening his trek home.

{OOC: For record Duo Aristide has been removed from the rolls; He was an alt I had no time to use.}