Title: Harassing the Guards Post by: Delfer on July 02, 2009, 04:30:17 am This eve, I watched over the guardsmen of Cove... They had many disputes amongst each other, threatening each other. Their squabbling will be their downfall. I observed as they went into the tavern, one after another. There were too many to take on alone, but when the time was right I snuck in and kicked one of their squirrels... Their force has been weakened.. (http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/1696/skwerl.png) *Signed* At your service, Althalos Title: Re: Harassing the Guards Post by: Linaeus on July 02, 2009, 07:46:31 am Noted, vysss deedsss have been, Unborn. To sssee more the Massster wissshes. Disssappoint him vysss will not, or ssshatter vysss his wrath will.
Ever His Ssservant, Captain Garrell |