Title: Wage consideration - *A note left at the bar for Penny* Post by: Kiran on July 05, 2009, 02:42:03 am Overview
Barstaff New barmaid/tender - 80 doubloons per week. Barmaid/tender - 120 doubloons per week. Senior barmaid/tender - 200 doubloons per week (and the choice of their own title). Management - 500 doubloons a week (and their own title). Bouncers Bouncer - 100 doubloons per week. Hardend bouncer - 150 doubloons per week. Head bouncer - 300 doubloons per week (and their own title). Traders Trader - 120 doubloons per week. Shipping Agent - 170 doubloons per week (and free docking in Vesper). Head of Trade - 500 doubloons per week (and their own title of choice). Entertainers Pleasuregirl - 200 doubloons per week (and 30% of what they make). Minstrels - 100 doubloons per week (and their own title). Gamemasters - 170 doubloons per week (and whatever they make from bets, also get their own title). You should all know this by now, but for those that still don't have a clue, payment is made every Sunday after 9pm [GMT]. If you're not deemed that you've done enough work to merit the payment, then you wont be paid for the week. If you miss the payout time with a valid reason, seek out a member of management to hand out the goods. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was the wages given at the Swagggers, as you remember our conversation earlier today involved wages and you asked me to give you the ones used at Swaggers. Again these were the ones used not ones suggested, completely up to you how you wish to wage the staff. Hope it helps. Yours Sincerely. Kiran. Title: Re: Wage consideration - *A note left at the bar for Penny* Post by: Raiden Morana on August 02, 2009, 11:43:33 am A few shillings for your trouble my good man.
20 Shillings awarded ~ Kiran. *signed flamboyantly* Amon Jarl, Nobleman. |