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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Rita on July 06, 2009, 12:20:58 am

Title: Report: Fightin' for Feathers
Post by: Rita on July 06, 2009, 12:20:58 am
Leading: Rita Whalebiter, Recruit
Attending: Tam Bloodmist, Recruit

It were rainin', so Bloodmist and I thought we'd head somewhere nice 'n dry... namely, Covetous.


Ah led the way on over to the caves, gave Tam a lil' heads-up regardin' the traps n' whatnot through the cavern openin', an' spent the next hour or so beatin' on harpies an' carvin' off their feathers.

The birdwomen themselves were no great danger, even the tough ones tha' seem t'be made o' stone. But we dared t'go a lil' farther and found ourselves surrounded by monstrosities o' all sorts, and ran afoul o' all kind o' foul wytchery, which nearly were th' end o' us.

But we made our way on out again, got bandaged up good, an' returned t'Cove safe an' sound with heaps o'feathers for our archers and a bit o' gold for the coffers...


R Whalebiter
Guardsman Recruit