Title: Spread The Faith Post by: Michael Vandrik on July 08, 2009, 10:15:50 pm Many a Templar, Priest, and Cleric hath spread the faith through the ages. Now Higher Being calls upon ye, Guardsmen of Cove. Thy travels and daily adventures take ye far afield; Therefore ye are to print and take with ye copies of His Holy books and scriptures. Through this may they hear the voice of Higher Being, even in places where His servants do not make Churches or hold land. All land is Higher Being's!
*Thou art to take and copy a holy scripture of thy choice from the library and spread them at moongates, dungeons, and any other suitable places. *Thou art to distribute a copy to two (2) persons of questionable faith. *Thou art to make at least ten (10) copy. *This task may be completed twice per person. *Post a full report including sketches on thy Main Notice Board (IC Board) *Post a link to your report below. *This task may be completed by anyone. I strongly suggest thy use these particular Scriptures: Book of Keldor 1:3, Sister Sharon (http://cove.sugeworld.com/forum/index.php/topic,10497.msg79273.html#msg79273) Book of Keldor 2:17, by Sister Sharon (http://cove.sugeworld.com/forum/index.php/topic,10497.msg79613.html#msg79613) Book of Ages 6:19, by Friar Vandrik (http://cove.sugeworld.com/forum/index.php/topic,10497.msg79747.html#msg79747) Deo juvente. Aumen. |