Title: The story of Belagoth the nightmare, part one Post by: Vorma on July 16, 2009, 10:38:03 pm Belagoth's life began a rainy afternoon many years ago. In his early years he grew a need to torture and harass the wildlife near his home. It started small with worms and ants. Moved up to small rats and dogs. But his interest in inflicting pain grew and he needed more. One morning he walked into his parent's room. Stabbed his father in the heart with a small dagger and slit his mother's throat. He did not know why he did it, but he did not care. When he thought back of the day of his parent's murder he felt indifferent.
He left his home that day, only wielding a small dagger. He learned how to move silent in the dark, avoiding patrolling guards, that were looking for the person that had murdered his parents in cold blood. One late evening he stumbled across a shrine in the middle of the road. It was covered with meat and a few bones were spread across it. To any normal human being it was a gruesome sight, but Belagoth was intrigued by the design and started to track who had been the artist of such an amazing thing. He followed a bunch of tracks north into the woods and ended up at the yew crypts. Here he met his first undead. A skeleton, actually moving around! Suddenly the sound of something laughing just behind his back, and he was knocked unconscious. When he woke he was in some sort of chamber. Right in front of him on a stone table was a collection of sharp and wicked-looking tools. He looked around nervously but could not see anyone. Then a figure appeared out of nowhere, later he found out that this was a nightmare called Valas Do'Urden. He used the tools to torture Belagoth in ways you can not even imagine. Belagoth begged for his life and he was told there was only one way he could get out of the mess and that was to join the Guardian's forces. After that night he was an unborn of the Undead. The following morning and many more to come, he was starting to collect resources for the Guardian and his army of walking skeletons. He practiced his abilities to sneak around and tried to catch the other unborns off guard at great success. One evening he was told to attend to a ceremony deep in the crypts. The great master, the Ancient One Manshoon Chembyl was holding a ceremony. He called out Belagoth's name and he was directed to a spot right in front of the old skeleton. The ancient one summoned flames that scorched the skin with such intense heat, that he passed out. What he did not know at that point was that he died. All his flesh was burnt to ashes, but his bones still remained. He was resurrected and became a skeleton in service of the Guardian. After been given his skeletonhood he was given slightly more respect among the undeads. He was no longer a human and they did not despise him because of his flesh. His natural instincts made him a subject of joining the nightmares, his ability to move around in the shadows was greater than many other skeletons, but he still had much to learn. He was given a quest to join the nightmares and succeeded. After joining the infamous caste he learnt the skill of poisoning, how to extract poison, starting with scorpions and moving up towards more poisonous creatures and eventually became a master of the art. |