Title: Moraine's Palace, Yew Casino. Post by: Aliryl on July 16, 2009, 11:34:48 pm [All throughout Sosarian taverns and public places of gathering, pamphlets are scattered with the following message]
Greetings, one and all! Me name be Moraine an' I be 'ere ter tells ye 'bout t'is 'ere new an' splendid establishment fer ye all ter enjoy ey! Oh aye, it be a grand palace o' leisure an' pleasure! Weit'r ye wants ter spend yer coin on a fair wager or ye prefers ter jus' sit back an' enjoy our fine Yewan ale, this be ta place ter be I tells yer! Ev'ry wednesday, ev'ry week, we be 'ostin' a series o' events fer ye ter enjoy! If it be ent'rtainin' then we be doin' it! Oh aye, an' we does it all! Jus' ter keep ye ent'rtained I tells ye! Now be it ta savage pleasure o' canine browlin' or ta 'ilarious laughs o' icerink fightin', them be events tha' can nay be missed out on, ye can be takin' Moraine's word fer tha'! Be seein' ye ey! Information on Moraine's palace. (http://www.uoforums.com/uo-europa-shard/62226-moraines-palace-yew-casino.html) Title: Re: Moraine's Palace, Yew Casino. Post by: Aliryl on July 20, 2009, 01:31:27 am Greetings fellow roleplayers!
I am happy to inform you that the Casino event has been listed on the UO Herald. The events for this week are now decided and can be found here. http://www.uoforums.com/uo-europa-shard/62226-moraines-palace-yew-casino.html#post436631 (http://www.uoforums.com/uo-europa-shard/62226-moraines-palace-yew-casino.html#post436631) Please let your fellow guildmembers and other roleplayers know about this event by spreading the word! Additionally, staff and challengers shall be needed! Contact myself (150122488 ) to sign up! |