Title: [Report] Hunting Drow Post by: Aslin on July 20, 2009, 01:25:33 am Monday, 20th July Leading: Elizabeth Martin, Officer Cadet Attending: Aslin, Recruit Thomas Alymer, Watchman Torrak Keres, Grenadier Sergeant Aliryl, Scout Corporal Kelban, Recruit The evening still being long and the training games over, Miss Pickles seemed to think it a good idea to raise some gold for the coffers. So she called together a few people and we went to Wrong to play a little game called (http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/3051/unbenannthrp.jpg) I made a few sketches, but I'm afraid the trolls ate them. In the end, we collected a fair amount of gold for the coffers. 500 of it was donated by Pooka Madrox. (http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/5708/unbenannt2kwf.jpg) *Signed in an unruly scrawl* Aslin |