Title: Hammered on the doors of the Covian Church and Covian Barracks. Post by: Vierna Hunett on July 20, 2009, 08:30:16 pm *Hammered on the doors of the Covian Church and Covian Barracks.*
Greetings snivelling weak humans. And still you do my will! I wanted an elf. I gave you a simple choice, a human, one of your own, for an elf. An elf may I remind you, that your pathetic weak faith classes as evil guardian spawn! It was a simple choice, one of your own for guardian spawn and you could not do it! What kind of faith is so confused it does not know its own rules! Perhaps it’s because your gods are so fragile, so weak, and so unintelligent they cannot make even the simplest of choices? A priest that does not know his own faith is no priest at all. Or is it that because you did not give me the elf, the guardian’s spawn, you thought you thwarted me? Fools! I wanted a death! I wanted one by your own hands! Whether it was a human or an elf, I did not care. You did my will by killing. The blood of the human cleric is on your hands by your confused decision. Chaos rules and you continue to do my will. I congratulate you! Vierna Hun’ett Supreme Leader of surface Drow Ori'gato mina phlith, 'zil verve 'zil nind treemma! Title: Re: Hammered on the doors of the Covian Church and Covian Barracks. Post by: Aliryl on July 20, 2009, 10:05:57 pm Reading the note Aliryl lowered her head, she told Raiden that there would be innocent blood on their hands. Why had they allowed that Cleric who had come to them in faith to die? She had never claimed to understand this Avatarian religion but this action stunned her. Although she was pleased that she had not been given over to die she still could not get over the callousness of how it happened.
Title: Re: Hammered on the doors of the Covian Church and Covian Barracks. Post by: Raiden Morana on July 26, 2009, 08:28:27 pm *Raiden folded a copy of the Covetowne Gazette under his arm and snatched down the notice. Then headed in the direction of the latrine muttering.*
Bloody Drow... Will they never learn. |