Title: *A folder containing reports for Raiden* Post by: Aliryl on July 21, 2009, 03:26:44 pm As asked I am keeping an eye on Railen whilst you are gone. Tonight she was doing her usual duties in the tavern. Her wounds are healing but the scars on her hands will probably never truely heal. She seemed in good spirits once I told her you had arrived safetly, though I had to cover up how I knew, I said something about the dockhands. She told me of a bad dream she had about you, so I said she probably has nothing to worry about.
(http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/733/railen.jpg) Other than that things have been going fairly smoothly in Cove. Hoagie suffered another suprise attack and it seems it may of been the true perpetraitor behind the first attack by Kal. Hoagie is concerned about this trial and it seems everyone is out to find out what really happened. An old Light Company member has returned to Cove as well, I have not met him or her but am curious to know who it is. With Kal gone I desperately need the help of the rest of the Squad, not that I have let on my true feelings to any of them. It has been only a few days and already seems much longer, you would think I would be used to this time passing, just now it seems different somehow. *signed neatly* Your eyes and ears. Aliryl Trefynwyd. Title: Re: *A folder containing reports for Raiden* Post by: Aliryl on July 22, 2009, 09:54:37 pm Tonight I spoke a little more with Railen as there was no one else about and she seemed a little lonely. She was telling me all about her past, not something I was really wanting to hear but I let her carry on. She got into talking about past relationships and I mentioned how my people deal with such things, but perhaps I said too much so I turned things back again. I do not understand this need to give others your life story almost, at least not to those you have only recently got to know. But she seemed to feel better for the company and said she had been getting those nightmares again. So I decided to give her some advice on breathing techniques and was about to teach her some meditation when a new recruit arrived so I had to deal with him. At this point Elaine and mischeif were in the tavern so she was not entirely alone.
(http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/4163/railen2.jpg) I am still to meet with this Scout that has returned and hope it will be before the training. *signed neatly* Your eyes and ears Aliryl Trefynwyd Title: Re: *A folder containing reports for Raiden* Post by: Raiden Morana on July 26, 2009, 08:29:46 pm *A sealed note is left at the Scout tower for Aliryl*
Thank ye fer watching over my wife lass. Raiden. |