Title: *A small note left for Railen* Post by: Aliryl on July 31, 2009, 04:13:43 pm Railen,
I hope I have not overstepped the line but last evening I became concerned about two waitresses wearing very little in regards to decent clothing and attempting to hold an off the hand Tokuno night. One of these waitresses I believe is from Vesper and I reminded them this is not the Swaggers and that you have provided them uniforms in which they should wear. I also stated that if they wished to hold an event like that it would be better that they speak to you first and plan it correctly. *signed neatly* Aliryl Trefynwyd Scout Corporal Title: Re: *A small note left for Railen* Post by: Railen Morana on July 31, 2009, 09:28:44 pm Thank you, you have not over stepped your bounds.
I will be calling a staff meeting to order soon, and will include minutes from this meeting in with their salary coins for those that are not able to make it. Indeed, the Goblin has paid good gold to have the waitstaff dress in a manner more indicative of our climate, both social and weather wise. It was Edward's wish that the Goblin be a respectable inn, not a seedy brothel. If customers want that sort of thing, Swaggers in is just down the road. I do not mind a small ammount of friendly flirting to help boost the morale of the troops, however- to be blunt, Only the breasts of foul, not the waitstaff should be on the menu. Thank you for your assistance. ~ Rai |