Title: Mizhuo Kazami(updated) Post by: Keitaro Kazami on August 05, 2009, 03:42:17 am Name: Mizuho Kazami
Age: 30ish Race: Human Hair: Long red hair Place of Birth: New Haven Eyes: a deep blue Job: Trade Minister for Vesper Background: Growing up in New Haven Mizuho has seen some strange things. She lost her parents a couple years back. Since then she has sailed around Sosaria. And has learned to cooked with the best of them. Currently: After finding her way to Cove she became a Barmaid for the Green Goblin and within a month earned the head cook's job. After more weeks she got to Railen's assistant and Manager over the kitchen. After going out with Renly for awhile he proposed to her and she accepted his offer of marrage. After a fight about the Goblin Mizu left Cove and the Goblin. She went to the only other tavern she had been to, Swaggers. After cooking there for awhile she was able to get the trade minister job and has since been working to get more trade into Vesper. And has had a baby with Renly. After many years and getting married to Marcus Tel'var and him dying, Mizu had left these lands for a time but has since returned with a new passion and love of the Green Goblin and plans to rise thru the ranks of Citizens of Cove once again! (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/Kentaro_01/femalearcher-1.jpg) (ooc will add more later) Title: Re: Mizhuo Kazami(updated) Post by: Keitaro Kazami on May 24, 2018, 11:37:33 pm (Updated once again!)