Title: Arcanists Tactics - Friday July 7th 9pm GMT Arcanists & Arcanist Recruits Only. Post by: Pickles on August 06, 2009, 10:41:47 pm When:
Friday July 7th, 9pm GMT Where: Rally at the Barracks We will be looking at basic Tactics for the common Arcanist, on and off the battlefeild. Be sure to be ready for a fight! This'll be fun for sure! For Arcanists or Arcanist Recruits Only. *Signed* Elizabeth "Pickles" Martin Officer Cadet Title: Re: Arcanists Tactics - Friday July 7th 9pm GMT Arcanists & Arcanist Recruits Only. Post by: Celuvian on August 07, 2009, 12:04:53 am I will surely try to be there!
Cel |