Title: A Busy Night In The Cells Post by: Raiden Morana on August 07, 2009, 12:17:24 am As I entered the barracks a rather scruffy looking recruit dragged me down to the cell block where some Guardian worshipper was being roundly tortured by Captain Hoagie and Watchman Silen but more interestingly Grenadier Sergeant Keres was administering some lashes to the apprehended recruit Starkad.
After further enquiries and interrogation Sergeant Keres had reduced Starkad's punishment to twenty lashes. I would liked ter have seen more but twenty gets the message across just as well as thirty. Besides nay want 'im slacking off duty with a bad back. There's a war on and I need all the men I can muster ter stave off the "Red Menace." (http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/6013/punishmentp.jpg) Starkad admitted ter bein' drunk and nay knowin' his actions but that's nay excuse fer conduct unbecomin' that of a Covian guardsman. However he took his medicine well and he can either learn from it or if he carries on the way he is goin', he'll end up dancin' at the end of a noose. Now ter bring that blaggard Lusion ter book. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |