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Command Boards => Thieves' Den => Topic started by: Kiran on August 07, 2009, 08:38:49 pm

Title: Den of Thieves.
Post by: Kiran on August 07, 2009, 08:38:49 pm
What is the Thieves' Den?

The den of thieves is a organisation within the criminal system of the Baronship of Cove, it is merely a different group to other criminal groups in Boc, thus seperate with it's own organisation rules and culture. It is a hybrid of a old thieves guild known as the brotherhood who you might know or not know of. What the brotherhood has strived to do through it's years is to offer a darker and more in depth look at how organised crime can become a great way to improve everyones roleplay daily life within the Europa community.
What is important to note is that the Brotherhood do not deal in petty crime for small profit, it is neither a group of thieves whom go and do highway robberies. We are more the behind the scene kind of criminals, dealing in smuggling, the odd torture scenario and plotting and planning. If you are hoping to go around assasinating people constantly, this is not the place for you. However we do offer a wide variety of assasination concepts for the anti hero in all of us, not to mention espionage and gang wars with other competitive thieves guilds. We encourage our members to be discreet IC (In character) and OOC (Out of character) when participating within the brotherhood. This means not to flaunt you're a criminal as this would in turn get you punished firstly, and also more then likely maimed within the brotherhood. Repeat offenses will lead to removal from the organisation and this forum.

How does the Thieves' Den work?

The forum which is called "Den of Thieves" is a place for criminals who are part of the Brotherhood, this means everyone, not just people who are in Boc, but people from all places and guilds. We do not limit ourselves to one guild but offer a huge scale insight into thieves guild stretching across many cities and lands. How this forum work is for people to write reports, speak of information or generally read up on old reports and new tasks, which are given out by the leaders of the brotherhood. We do not force people to do reports! To raise in the ranks within the brotherhood all you have to do is be actively involved with the roleplay of a criminal. This is not to say you have to play daily and constantly, however we do not give more important tasks to people who do not prove that they are capable of such responsibility. This would be the same for a real criminal organisation. We do however encourage people to write reports as it makes the whole organisation seem more active and people would thus participate more on the whole.

So how does the report scheme work?

To write a report it can be as simple as a couple of words to inform others of what information you gathered and that you wish to share, to a more in depth report, with images, long collums of writings and whatever else comes to mind. The more detailed the report, the more professional of course you would come across. Here is a example of a long ongoing report.
http://www.f4g.net/traders-bulletin-board/8122-4-shade-deals.html - Example of a long report. (http://www.f4g.net/traders-bulletin-board/8122-4-shade-deals.html - Example of a long report.)
And also a example of a shorter report.
http://www.f4g.net/traders-bulletin-board/8266-2-writings-fain.html - Example of a short report. (http://www.f4g.net/traders-bulletin-board/8266-2-writings-fain.html - Example of a short report.)

As you can see the difference is visible, however both reports are a important addition to creating a active and interesting community of thieves. It shows that people are active, involved and willing to help make the brotherhood a exciting and active part of the Cove community. It also helps to keep people involved who might not play so actively, seeing the reports they are able to involve themselfs with the plot that is going on.

All reports within this forum will be ic knowledge for all members of the Brotherhood, except if stated otherwise.

How can all these reports be known by all the members?

What we used to do and will continue to do within the Brotherhood is have secret bookcases and shelfs which contain all reports, we encourage members who have done a report on the forum to get a book, write in its title the name of the report they done in the book and give it to either myself, or one of the other bosses(Currently Jierdan (VTC) of the Swaggers Inn) This all in our opinion adds to the atmosphere of the brotherhood. These reports can be read in theory by your characters when they in the office in the Swaggers, or in the guest room of the Goblin in Cove.

 A known differentiation can always be used if to say you only wish for Jierdan or Kiran to "know" of the report icly. All you have to do is be creative and think - "Hm, Kiran needs to see this, Jierdan is going to be trying something tricky" So you do at the top of the post *Note left for Kiran* In theory then I would be able to be the only one to view it and use that only as IC knowledge, Jierdan would have to ignore it as it is a message not left for him. This also goes vice versa, It can be a bit difficult at times in earnest when all the plots and ideas start building, however it creates a atmosphere of deciet and calculated risk.

What does the Brotherhood offer me?

Whether you are a pvper, non pvper, rarely active or constantly online the Brotherhood has many things to offer which you can involve yourself in. myself and Jierdan are more then happy to in game be able to help you, guide you and of course give you tasks and speak to you. However all Brotherhood buisness I urge should be done behind closed doors and behind scenes, would make little sense if Kiran was speaking to you in the middle of the Goblin with customers nearby hearing every word, wouldn't it? We hope you as a player feel you have the security to also take initiative and do your own thing outside Jierdan's and my own plans. We encourage and offer help to all people who think they have a good idea. But the Brotherhood motto is, "if you have a plan, just do it!" More then likely it will end up being good fun for everyone involved.

The Thieve's Den also on this forum will have different tasks which you can perform to the best of your abilities, which will reward you with infamy and of course lets not forget why we do this, shillings.

So how do I get started?

Well, for you to even have access to this board you must have somehow been involved with some Brotherhood member, so basically do as you please, the sky is the limit, whether you are ruthless and ambitious and wish to take Jierdan or myself on in a guild clash we are more then happy to comply. However consequences are what makes this all much more intriguing, so we do except our members to, if caught out, to be able to handle punishment accordingly. This goes for myself and Jierdan too however, we are happy for you to try and threaten and torture us to the best of your ability! Nothing is scripted here, everything is spontanious and hopefully full of excitement for you, so get stuck in!

So, who else is part of the Brotherhood?

This is a question which is asked alot of times, more then likely you can see different reports from people which might give you a idea, however some people do not post reports but are activily involved. How do you find out who they are? Don't ask me, go investigate and find out by asking around, why it might be someone is doing the exact same thing as you and are looking for you right this moment! More then likely however they are plotting to overthrow either Jierdan or myself, bless them.

I wish you good luck and I hope you will enjoy the Brotherhood as I have enjoyed it through seven years of behind the scene Roleplay.
