Title: Daylight Robbery! Post by: Kiran on August 08, 2009, 02:24:52 am *Notice hung up on the Barracks and on the Green Goblin*
Today something of the most horrible natured occured, I am having to have a scribe write this as my arm is in a sling from tonights attack by a group of strangers. The Goblin has been trashed and our patrons and myself held up with crossbows and maces. The gang was profesional, for some who know of my past, I hope you know I am a judge of this. No names were said, no actions were taken which wern't precise or planned. However they descecrated the tavern in a most horrific manner, the bear head being ripped off behind the fireplace, not to mention the bear rugs are ruined beyond repair, they urinated and ruined all our carpets, breaking stools and couches indiscrimantely! (http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/6315/outrage.png) Thankfully Delferium or rather, Buttons came to clear out the culprits before they could do whatever unthinkable things to myself and our patrons. However I am shocked at the lack of resistance met by this group, as four of them seemed capable of robbing the Goblin in broad daylight. Currently we are lookined at hundreds if not thousands of shillings in repairs for all the damages they have inflicted upon the tavern. I am hoping the army will be investigating this incident with it's usual profesionalism as this sort of behaviour can't go on. Yours sincerely, Kiran. Title: Re: Daylight Robbery! Post by: Delfer on August 08, 2009, 06:28:03 pm Aye! Where was everyone?! I must've rang the bell seven times and even by then it was too late! S' cause o' yer laziness th' Goblin is wrecked, and.. And... They gave me a headache! Stop being lazy! *Signed* Buttons Title: Re: Daylight Robbery! Post by: Raiden Morana on August 09, 2009, 01:25:26 pm Bloody 'ell.
Folk think they can stroll into the Baronship and do what they want. Double the patrols I say! And I can nay believe there weren't more guardsmen slackin' off in the tavern... There ususally is. Good work Buttons! *signed* Raiden, Commander. |