Title: [Report] Drowish Prisoner Trade Post by: Hoagie on August 09, 2009, 12:40:56 am Leading:
Raiden Morana, Commander Attending: Hoagie, Captain Aliryl Treffenwood, Scout Corporal Marcus Tel'var, Junior Grenadier Buttons, Junior Grenadier Vincent, Guardsman Recruit Hugo, Templar Preceptor Tameris Deacon, Chaplain A bunch of Yewish people We rallied the men, along with representatives from the Church, in order to go hear out the drow, and their proposed trade. The trade was to be done in Umbra. We arrived there fairly quickly, and met some Yewish Waywatchers, there to witness the trade, since the Cleric in question was from Yew, rather than Cove. A fatal flaw in the Drow's planning, attempting to trade a Yewish cleric for a Covian officer! Still, there was some discussion as to whether to make the trade or not, and while I said it is better to lose a soldier than a citizen, there was a large deal of reluctance to negotiate with Drow. When questioned as to why we shouldn't just kill them, and take the prisoner with us, they revealed that their high priestess had cast a spell, which, if the trade was not done, would kill the Cleric. After a while, it was decided that if the Drow had already cast this spell, the cleric may have been beyond saving! In what was intended as an act of mercy, but seemed a little over the top, one of the Waywatchers put the cleric out of her misery, and the drow fled, in terror. (http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/7745/drowprisonertrade.png) Title: Re: [Report] Drowish Prisoner Trade Post by: Raiden Morana on August 09, 2009, 01:22:37 pm Alas, the cleric was deas as soon as the Drow had taken her.
However let this be lesson; Cove does nay do deals with Drowlings. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |