Title: [Report] return of the false king Post by: Starkad on August 09, 2009, 12:41:57 am For the consideration of Commander Morana
Guardsman Recruit Starkad reporting, It was an interesting day today,as I woke up in the pile of my empty ale bottles just outside of Green Goblin,(had to drink to ease the pain from lashes sir) Alarm sounded and I saw Capt.Hoagie gathering up troops,I was kicked by Junior Guardsman Buttons to get up and help the man piling up a blockade just alongside the barracks.After our fortifications were set,Casca appeared,angered by his latest buttom kicking,he accused us as bein' treacherous. Capt.Hoagie Rita Whalebiter Ruby Whalebiter Buttons Bersi Grief Dryfh Gry was present at the time. Then a Balron appeared,flying over us kicking and biting,but we handled it with ease.As we were catching our breaths an other Balron Appeared,this was twice the size of the previous one,the battle continued for hours, Barmaid Mizuho Kazami tried to attend the wounded but was also attacked by the Lord of the Abyss so she was escorted out. Guardsman recruit Kelban joined the fight as reinforcements.We formed up Capt Hogie told us to start a Hasty skirmish and get out of our blockade hit and run tactics worked. Balron hit hard but we hit harder in the end we Balron was killed and battlefield was silenced, I then realised that I was bitten by the balron and my left arm was jammed. At the end of the day We have proven the might of the Covian army once more. Title: Re: [Report] return of the false king Post by: Hoagie on August 09, 2009, 01:45:12 am Pinned up on behalf of Starkad.
(http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1589/balronattack.png) Title: Re: [Report] return of the false king Post by: Celuvian on August 09, 2009, 02:20:51 am Yea I was there too!
Cel! Title: Re: [Report] return of the false king Post by: Raiden Morana on August 09, 2009, 01:27:36 pm Good work men!
Casca, showin' his cowardly face once more eh? Hoh... Well, looks like another Covian Victory to me. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |