Title: [Report] Drill & Targeting Lesson Post by: Rita on August 09, 2009, 12:55:05 am Leading: Captain Grayner
Attending: Rita Whalebiter, Watchman Kelban Longleaf, Recruit The Captain rounded myself an' Recruit Longleaf up for a short drill last week. (http://pixelmancy.com/uo/GuardDuties/30.07.09a.png) He started by givin' us both a bit o' a pep-talk 'bout discipline, and the value o' treatin' yer superiors with respect. We warmed up with a round o' press-ups and a couple o' laps 'round the parade grounds. Then we reviewed parade orders such as soundin' off an' numberin' off, then practised re-linin' and formin' quickly, discussin' the uses o' each command in the field. (http://pixelmancy.com/uo/GuardDuties/30.07.09b.png) With armour off, an' with healin' o' any kind forbidden, the three o' us ran 'round the grounds as the Captain shouted out new targets every few seconds, so's we each got practise both targetin' and evadin' e'en when tired and wounded. Once we'd caught our breath from that, we armed up 'gain, and were ordered t'continue chasin' Captain Grayner 'round. He zig-zagged about an' then lept the fence, hoppin' over the spectator's benches like they were nothin'. Longleaf an' I pursued him down each flight o' stairs t' the office floor, where we caught him. He seemed pretty pleased with this, and dismissed us with a few words o' praise. (http://pixelmancy.com/uo/GuardDuties/30.07.09c.png) *signed* R Whalebiter, Watchman Title: Re: [Report] Drill & Targeting Lesson Post by: Hoagie on August 09, 2009, 06:22:53 pm *Reads the report and nods.*
Good report, Biter! |