Title: [Report] The Patrol of Aylmer! Post by: Hoagie on August 09, 2009, 02:13:09 am Leading:
Thomas Aylmer, Watchman (Raised 5,153 gold for the coffers.) Attending: Raiden Morana, Commander Kal Shadowhand, Officer Cadet Geralt Swift, Guardsman Recruit Jessica, Guardsman Recruit Me'an Silen, Watchman (Donated 6,000 gold to the coffers.) Ilona Shadowhand, Commoner Total gold raised: 11,153. In honour of my promotion, the Commander declared that I would be leading a patrol to the orc fort! Instantly letting my new power flood to my head, I told everyone to line up outside the barracks. We had to wait a few minutes to for everyone to filter down to the line, probably because everyone was so jealous at my promotion. When we were suitably arranged in a line, I quashed Geralt's hopes of getting in some scouting practice, and we all headed off south to the orc fort. As we were entering the fort, I had to tell off a few people for running ahead and being slow to form, but aside from that, everyone performed well (http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/1980/watchmanpatrol.png) *Signed* Thomas Aylmer, Watchman |